Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On Tosh.0 and Rape Jokes

I threw this together really quickly. I am sorry that it is not my best work. It is more of a "reactions" post than a logical post.

Okay, so you have obviously heard about all the talk about Tosh.0. And what I am going to say about it probably isn’t new at all. But whatever, I am going to talk about whatever I like to my tiny number of followers. So here it goes:
  1. Rape jokes can be funny. But just like most jokes, they have to be told by funny people. Daniel Tosh isn’t really funny. Thus his rape jokes are not funny, just like all his other jokes aren’t funny. Louis CK, Patton Oswalt, and Sarah Silverman are funny. Thus their rape jokes are funny. Just like all their other jokes are funny.
  2. Comedy shows aren’t open forums to discuss matters. If you do not like the performer then you can leave. 
  3. On a more serious note, if you place rape on some kind of pedestal, then that is making it an even more taboo topic. It reinforces the belief that we cannot openly talk about sexual assault. Which then goes and makes it harder for victims of sexual assault to be able to converse about their experience. 
  4. By placing sexual assault on a pedestal, we make it different from every other crime. Which means we treat the victims different than every other crime. We already treat rape differently than any other crime. When we hear about sexual assault we ask “What was she wearing? Was she drunk? Was she participating in overtly flirtatious behavior?” Making rape jokes is one way to treat rape like any other serious crime. 
In conclusion: Daniel Tosh was right and wrong, funny comedians can make funny jokes about rape. Daniel Tosh just isn’t a funny comedian.

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